Ascended Radio Hosted By Jessica Spencer

Ascension 101



Much like in the motion picture the Matrix, the green pill of Ascension is a pill of spiritual awakening, of a divine existence that has up until this point only been experienced by a select few. The red pill allows you to live in a physical third dimensional world that has become increasingly disconnected from compassion and the real teachings of those who have achieved  ascension and taught us of its existence. Such Ascended masters include Jesus, Buddha and Mother Theresa to name a few, who have all moved from a human existence to a divine embodiment within a physical body.  Many people have the misperception that we are only capable of divination through death; however, through the process of ascension it is possible to reach a divine existence while on earth and in this human body, which is perhaps what we witnessed Jesus do when he walked on water and  turned water into wine.  Armed with the truth and a clear choice, which path would you choose during this time in human history when Ascension is calling