Ascended Radio Hosted By Jessica Spencer

Shift into Greatness



The shift in consciousness that is taking place on the planet is the purpose for this show and the reason that so many of us are waking up.  Awakening to the truth of who were are, free of the false sense limitations, illusions of fear and facades of separation is not only necessary, its eminent.  Once we have begun to re-member who we are and the magnitude of the power we embody, it is inevitable that our life becomes one of service, assisting one another on our path to collective awakening in order that we may Ascend in our Oneness ourselves, with one another, with God.   On this show we will discuss this Shift in consciousness with acclaimed musician, spiritual path walker and Co-Creator of Knowphest.  Knowphest is a “total immersion” experience focused upon navigating earth’s present shift to a higher level of consciousness. Coming to Los Angeles on October 13-14, 2012, KNOWPHEST will feature art, music, healthy cuisine and presentations by forward thinkers.  For more information go to or h