Ascended Radio Hosted By Jessica Spencer

Ascension: From study to demonstration



Throughout our lives we've spent most of our time studying. Studying for school exams, employment purposes, religious intent and a multitude of other aspirations. We have studied those who have studied others who have studied those who have demonstrated that which we have chosen to achieve. If it sounds like a lot of studying, it's because it is. We have studied others' opinions of Master's such as Jesus and Buddha and read about the level of enlightenment they have acheived as a result, but now is the time that we walk the path co-created by us and create our own path in the direction paved by our intentions to become what we have studied. Now is the time that we begin to move from study to demonstration. What is it that your life is demonstrating to the world? This show will empower you to ask the questions that will lead to the demonstration of a life worthy of your living! Join us for this powerful discussion.