Ascended Radio Hosted By Jessica Spencer

Galactics and Walk-Ins with Marilyn Harper



The purpose of this Radio Show is to assist humanity in waking up to their true Divine Nature through the process of Ascension. Ascension is an individual process of Oneness and calls for the expansion of consciouness beyond the confines of a 3rd Dimensional reality.  This show will profoundly expand your concept  of what is possible by exploring the intriguing topics of both the Galactic Realm and  Walk-In phenomena as told through Marilyn Harper. Marilyn is an internationally recognized expert on the walk-in phenomenon. She humorously points out that it took three car accidents before she awakened to her true calling as a channel and began developing her spiritual gifts. As a trained Master in several healing modalities, her mission is to create B.L.I.S.S. on the planet (Because Life Is Simply Spiritual). Through her popular Adironnda & Company outreach, Marilyn teaches certification courses in Intuitive Development and Entering the Akashic Records. In her work as a speaker, facilitator and healer, Ma