Ascended Radio Hosted By Jessica Spencer




"CONQUERING YOUR WELLNESS BODY - BE THE MASTER OF YOUR OWN BODY" witth Dr. Richard London   With this shift in awakening many aspects of the self have come to the surface, aspects that we have had to shift our perception of. One such aspect of the self that has been expanded has been the body and how one can achieve wellness within the body. In the 3D realm, we have related to the body as being separate from the us. For many, it was previously accepted that there was almost no connection between the spirit and the body, our emotions and our body and certainly not consciousness and our body, which led to the the creation of diseases and suffering. Here to share with us how to conquer our wellness body and to be the master of our body is Dr. Richard London. For a free fifteen minute session with Dr. London or for any insights or questions you may have, email him at or call him at (720) 213-8021 You won't want to miss this show!