Usa Talk Radio

The Michael Cutler Hour



Happy Friday! Last week computer gremlins and my invitation to appear on i24 News caused my show to be delayed and then, greatly shortened.  Tonight, however, I will really happy that I will be doing my show at the usual time As always, there will be lots to catch up on including my latest article. On August 15th FrontPage Magazine published my article, ICE FIELD OPERATION HELPS AMERICAN WORKERS: When will compassion apply to beleaguered Americans? We will also consider the anti-ICE riots wherein demonstrators have threatened the lives of ICE agents. Finally, the Trump administration’s announced plan to implement a section of the immigration laws that may deny aliens lawful immigrant status if they become public charges and how the globalists are incited violence against law enforcement officers, particularly those who are charged with securing our borders and enforcing our immigration laws. While immigration has arguably become the most divisive and contentious issue in America, I contend that it  but