Hof Profit

The Tesla profits and a war in Iceland



Lithium-ion battery production powering Iceland recovery. Average unit price 39,500 USD Electric cars need it. Airbus, the European aerospace, and aviation company recently launched a joint venture for a super bike. The talk of the game is Scandium. One of the few metals we need to get out of the innovations. Mainly from DRC Congo. Yes, there where wars are as certain as the discretion of a Swiss banker. Tesla, Daimler, Volkswagen, Porsche, Airbus they all need it. Imagine a 15% lighter aircraft, allowing aircrafts to fly with less energy, to have a more efficient space orbit. Or an efficient electric bike Gold market. The big problem is the shortage of new resources they founded. It will take over 5 years to get a new mining facility working. So no matter what the price is doing: the gold industry can't produce. If your gold investment is not profitable around now, a good price level simply goes out. It is unlikely it will ever make you money. The big problem is the lack of new found gold. At the same time