Hof Profit

The Uranium One Fakenews



New BitCoin record. BitCoin brakes record after record. Trump Saudi Arabia relationship. After Bretton Wood Conference the USD became the world currency. USD backed by gold. This was temporary suspended. This suspension is still active. Saudi Royal Family and US government created partnership: Saudi Arabia would use its position to demand USD payment for oil and take advantage of its dominant OPEC position. This powered the Petrodollar, financing terrorism around the world. The Saudi Royal Family would invest petrodollars in American companies and USA treasury. With energy transition, this will cost the USD dominant position as world reserve currency. Iran danger The Hague murder. Iranian political leader lost his life. He has shot death in the international city of law and justice. The Chinese Silk Road project and the infrastructure program. This means there is a massive commodity import going to happen. High-speed railroads, airport,s highways, harbors, the wall with Mexico. It's all needed and it takes co