Hof Profit

China tech investment and a new format



There is a major outflow of investment money out of China. But is this with good reason or not? Within 8 years half of the oil rigs in the North Sea are vacant. What are they going to do with it? In the Innovative Energy Report are a few investment options outlined. Are they using this opportunity to drive sustainable friendly energy forward, without subsidy? It's certain that the system will collapse. Riots, swat teams and the theft of your food. Are you ready, are you prepared? Do you enjoy to stay in all the violence or do you prefer to lay down at a safe beach? Trump will pick a new FED chair. A great opportunity to bring some intelligence and proven policy of the FED. The current FED policy ensured that we are facing a major (stock) market collapse. Nothing Trump can do it, but what will his response be? In case you care to profit from the collapse of the stock market: get your hands on the Gold Report. Protect your wealth and be the person to thrive from it. Listen now and send your comments to @lodewi