Aspire Natural Heath

Can Anxiety & Depression be effectively treated with vitamins and minerals?



Can You Treat Anxiety and Depression with Vitamins & Minerals? Are there options besides drugs or pharmaceuticals such as SSRI's? Dr. Richard Wyckoff Talks about the Walsch Protocol NOTE: Please do not go off any psychiatric drugs without the guidance and help of a skilled health practitioner DrG & Dr. Wyckoff cover: -Dr. Wyckoff’s 40 year journey through psychology - From psychotherapy to the biochemical underpinnings of mental health -How the Walsch protocol differs from conventional psychiatry -There are different types of depression - what helps one kind of depression can hurt another kind -Strengths and weaknesses of genetic testing -The role of methylation in mental health -Functional vs genetic methylation testing -Dr. Carl Pfeiffer, Orthomolecular medicine, and the further work of Dr. William Walsch -Kryptopyrrole disorder -Zinc - copper imbalances and the typical symptoms of a zinc - copper imbalance -Could metallothionien deficiency be a cause of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease? -Discu