Aspire Natural Heath

The True Treatment of Cancer with Donnie Yance



IMPORTANT: Cancer is a serious and very scary disease. I know firsthand from being with my mom through her journey and ultimately passing from cancer. A lot of people out there, from conventional doctors and researchers to very alternative people are pushing very dogmatic views of what cancer treatment should look like. I do not believe there is ONE treatment for cancer, nor that we will find a "CURE" for cancer. As we discuss below, Donnie and I believe that a holsitic approach using any and all tools and approaches is the best way to treat cancer. Cancer is not a do it yourself disease, so if you are a loved one are dealing with cancer, make sure you have a good team on your side ======== In this podcast Dr. Gerstmar & Donnie Yance discuss: -No medicines are bad, but we need to understand them, and when they are appropriate. There are people who get tremendous benefit from conventional medicine, those who they don’t help, and those who are hurt by those treatments. The same is true for all me