Usa Talk Radio

The Michael Cutler Hour



Happy Saturday! My show was delayed by one day this week because I was made an offer I just could not refuse yesterday- to appear on i24 News to discuss Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s outrageous comparison of ICE detention centers and Nazi concentration camps of of World War II. I am doubly infuriated!  As a former INS agent and as Jew whose family was decimated by the Holocaust.  In point of fact, I was named for my mother’s mother who was killed in Poland during WWII because we are Jews. I will share my thoughts on this outrage especially the reactions of Nancy Pelosi and Jerrold Nadler. Additionally, The President just postponed a massive ICE field operation to arrest thousands of illegal aliens who have been issued Final Orders of Removal.  We will delve into this issue. Finally, we will consider my latest article for FrontPage Magazine:  NEW YORK WILL PROVIDE ILLEGAL ALIENS WITH DRIVER’S LICENSES: Where is Gov. Cuomo's MVP Award from terrorists? While immigration has arguably become the most divis