Talking Business With Alan Kohler

Gavin Scholes CEO 1300 Australia



Gavin Scholes' career encompasses an extensive background in business, with a special knack for marketing and business innovation. In 2004, through hard work and dedication, and lobbying the Australian Government for standardised telephone keypads, Gavin was able to realise his dream of pioneering the ‘PhoneWord’ industry in Australia under the flag of 1300AUSTRALIA, eventually partnering with Telstra to cement total control of the market. Two years ago Gavin bought back Telstra’s majority 85% share of the business (refer attached Fin Review article) and is now quickly growing 1300AUSTRALIA into more than just a PhoneWord business; a move underlined through its acquisition and rapid growth of the CallN platform CallN has already become a powerful challenger brand in the call recording and AI based business intelligence space, operating in 11 countries, with major operations in the Asia-Pacific and USA.