Deanna On Design

Healthy Down-sizing w/guest Linda Hunt



A few months ago I was approached by designer Linda Hunt to partner up w/her on a unique project: helping clients & tribe members deal with the HEALTH impact of downsizing (whether by choice, divorce, death or financials).  We teamed up to create a ground-breaking perspective to not only design HEALTHY spaces-no matter the cause-but a HEALTHY MINDSET to create a positive life change for you & all occupants of the space.   ***NOTE: I discuss the energetic & health aspect of this topic on Linda's radio show, Decorate Your Castle on Jan 22, 2013.*** Linda Hunt is the owner and interior designer of Creatively Yours Custom Inc. and the author of 7 e-books covering all facets of interior design.   She is a WFCP Specialist Certified interior designer with 29 years of experience working on residential design and treasurer of her chapter of the International Furnishings and Design Association. Custom window treatments and downsizing design have been her specialties for over 20 years.  Get her Free desig