Transcendental Transformation

Darren Phat-Man McDuffie discuss Conscious Living



  In 2005, I was summoned home by my aunt. My mother had been diagnosed with breast cancer the year before but had gone into remission. It came roaring back with a vengeance and would take her life in a span of two weeks. I’d be lying if I didn’t say my mother wasn’t my everything and one of the strongest women I’ve ever known. She never once told my sister and I the cancer had metastasized into her liver and spread throughout her body. She knew she was going to die but still somehow wanted to protect us. My mother’s death saved me. It was my rebirth. I began to devour everything I could get my hands on about health. I know through first hand experience as a pharmaceutical representative drugs are a quick fix. They rarely address the root cause of illness. It took me years of study before I concluded Hippocrates was right when he said,“Let thy food be the medicine and let thy medicine by thy food.” This statement more than anything I’ve ever read has had a lasting impression on me and was the cata