Transcendental Transformation

Issues! Issues! Issue!... We all have Issues!! on TTRS



Every one of us carries a bag of life issues that seem to strangle us with its perpetual nagging energy. Taking control of us and our lives by keeping us stuck in one place and time while not allowing us to move forward. We read spritiual books, take classes that are designed to help us and even seek out counseling. But yet, many of us are unable to move on from a situation that hurt us deeply. This week, the girls will discuss personal issues, why we are attached to them and why so many of us, no matter how spiritual we are, cannot seem to run away from the emotional grasp they have on us!  If you would like help with a personal problem that seems to hinder your life, call in and speak to Miss Raina and Melissa!  310-8612341   Join us Tuesday at 11:00am EST, USA for a great episode with some life changing knowledge!