Pure Soul Alchemy With Gabriella

Opening to Higher Guidance and Inner Wisdom



Learn more at www.PureSoulAlchemy.com Today's show is a shamanic healing session to strengthen our connection with the loving guidance of spirit and our inner wisdom. Sometimes, it feels like we just can't catch a break. Anything that can go wrong, goes wrong. During times like this, it's important to take a step back and stop. Stop efforting. Stop “solution hunting.” Stop trying. Just stop ... and bring your focus to your body and the feeling of just being. Breathe and recover your center. Here is where you remember that life isn't about these problems that need fixing. Here is where you open to spirit... presence… the loving flow of creation in action.   In this session, we will bring in divine assistance to reorient our focus to the stillness of spirit and initiate the clearing of obstacles that have impeded our receptivity to the splendor of divine source.   Before listening to this session, be sure to ponder the ways in which you typically get caught up in the details of life and lose sight of the p