Usa Talk Radio

The Michael Cutler Hour



Happy Friday! I will be hosting my show this evening later than usual because I have been invited by i24 News Television to discuss Mexico’s proposed response to President Trump’s proposal to impose tariffs on Mexican imports if they do not help the U.S. with the crisis on the border. My most recent article for FrontPage Magazine focused on the Trump administration’s proposal to impose tariffs on Mexican imports: TRUMP’S MEXICO TARIFFS: RESULT OF CONGRESSIONAL OBSTRUCTION: Congress and courts have undermined border security - tariffs are a last resort.  The current border crisis was exacerbated this past week when Congress passed a new and more disastrous DREAM Act, even as the administration reported that more than 144,000 illegal aliens had been arrested by the U.S. Border Patrol this past month.  Furthermore, it is being reported that:  Jailed ISIS Fighter Says Was Recruited To Sneak Into US Via Mexico And Attack Wall Street.  While immigration has arguably become the most divisive and contentious issu