Youth Achievers Usa

AMERICAN MENTORS: Big Data on My Brother's Keeper



In the Show Me state this week, the question, Am I My Brother’s Keeper takes us to the suburban St Louis, MO community of Ferguson, and Big Data's potential for producing chaos.  Business as usual in the national media has been to raise the race card, carving a social justice angle out of a national security issue. Should the President of the United States give a speech about racism?  The President has given the speech, signed a memo defining a threat to our national security and outlined a plan.  We have not taken it serious enough. By now, you've seen the news. On Saturday, August 9th, 28 year-old Darren Wilson, a six year veteran police officer shot and killed Michael Brown, an unarmed teenager. Was there a credible threat to justify deadly force?  Did Big Data play a role in qualifying the officer's action?  Is there a need for new data driving life-threatening decisions by armed Americans?  If you have read the report to The President of the United States, we’d like to hear your thoughts on My Brother’