Rare Air With Meri Fatin

Aisha Novakovich



There are so many life experiences in the melting pot that makes Aisha Novakovich who she is today. Parents from starkly different backgrounds, losing her Dad very young, being fostered out to numerous homes, and learning to be a Westerner before she learned to be a Muslim. By her early teens Aisha already had a strong sense of social justice and was exploring her faith (and others) very deeply before deciding to take on Islam with absolute conviction. Wearing the full face veil - the niqab - in her teens, she had a poster of Osama bin Laden on her bedroom wall. While her attitude has altered since then she continues to be a vocal spokesperson for young Muslims, sometimes working alongside Member for Cowan, counter terrorism expert, Professor Anne Azza Aly. Experiencing domestic violence in her first marriage has led to Aisha's study of law, which she hopes to use to assist others in the same situation.  In 2016, Aisha experienced public backlash after telling her story to Fairfax newspapers.  It has tempered