Body Of Christ Radio Network

Kings and Priests: The Sabbath and Legalism



Rev 1:6 And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him [be] glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. Legalism is what I hear from so called Christians, that the Sabbath has changed and the Law is fulfilled. Is this the doctrine of Christ that we are free to sin and do not have to keep any of the laws in the Bible anymore? Come and join us as we discuss the Sabbath and legalism in the Bible.   We air programs on Blog Talk Radio at the following times: Sun 2:00pm, Mon 8:00pm, Tue 8:00pm, Wed 7:00pm, Thur 8:00pm, Fri 7:00pm & Sat 9:00am.  All times are Eastern Standard Time.