Body Of Christ Radio Network

Repentance is the Key: Election The Politics of Religion



America claims to be “One Nation under God” while at the same time upholding the separation of Church and State. This contradiction can be seen at the heart of every major issue affecting the nation. Politicians often claim to be men of faith but rarely if ever do they look to the Holy Bible and the teachings of Jesus Christ for instruction. This paradox is especially prevalent in the African American Community where many of its political leaders also wear the titles of Reverends, Ministers, and Bishops. But can Religion and Politics ever truly co-exist? – And how welcome are Biblical values in a political arena which caters to the wicked and the Godless. Join us today for another edition of “Repentance is the Key” as we examine the Politics of Faith! We air programs on Blog Talk Radio at the following times: Sun 2:00pm, Mon 8:00pm, Tue 8:00pm, Wed 7:00pm, Thur 8:00pm, Fri 7:00pm & Sat 9:00am.  All times are Eastern Standard Time.