Body Of Christ Radio Network

Can You Handle The Truth ? The Man In The Mirror :



John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. In today's carnal and selfish world, people often look at and examine other people and things according to the outer appearance, including how they examine themselves. People often blame the problems in their lives on other people. In this episode we want everybody to take a spiritual look at the man or woman in the mirror and examine themselves to see what is the real cause of their problems? We welcome you to join us as we examine the scriptures to address this very serious issue, that is if you can handle the truth. We air programs on Blog Talk Radio at the following times: Sun 2:00pm, Mon 8:00pm, Tue 8:00pm, Wed 7:00pm, Thur 8:00pm, Fri 7:00pm & Sat 9:00am.  All times are Eastern Standard Time.