Lets Ask The Angels!

Special Guest Anna Taylor, Angel Therapist tm, Singer-SongWriter



Join me with my special guest Anna Taylor as she share her guidance and wisdom on my show, "Let's as the Angels", Call in at 424-675-6837 for a reading or question. Known as 'The Angels' Voice', Anna Taylor is an international recording artist, singer-songwriter, ANGEL THERAPIST® certified by Doreen Virtue, Theta Healing Practitioner® , speaker and radio host.  http://www.anna-taylor.co.uk/ Anna connects with Divine love and guidance to support people with all aspects of life and often acts as a catalyst for transformation.  She is a loving and compassionate woman with a remarkable ability to empathise and communicate and shares daily inspiration with almost 200,000 on her Facebook page. Born eleven weeks premature and with Cerebral Palsy, learning to walk was a major challenge, and Anna took her first independent steps at the age of six. Although her formal education was interrupted first by surgery and physiotherapy, then by long-term illness , she completed her exams through home-tutoring and sheer deter