Usa Talk Radio

The Michael Cutler Hour



Happy Friday! This past week “Sanctuary Cities” have been the focus of Attorney General Jeff Sessions and, consequently, the news media.  I have written many articles and commentaries about this dangerous issue and have redoubled my efforts to provide some fact-based sanity to the discourse. This past week FrontPage Magazine published two of my articles on this issue.  On March 20, 2017 FrontPage Magazine published my article, “OPPONENTS OF BORDER SECURITY AND IMMIGRATION LAW ENFORCEMENT AID HUMAN TRAFFICKERS: The Democratic Party’s donkey mascot should be swapped for a coyote.” On March 31st FrontPage Magazine published my article, “SANCTUARY CITIES: WHERE HYPOCRISY RULES-  NYC’s Mayor Bill DeBlasio blocks the deportation of criminal aliens by ICE” and on March 28th they published my commentary, L.A. MAYOR GARCETTI’S MESSAGE TO SMUGGLERS: “THE COAST IS CLEAR”- Are America’s 95,000 miles of coastline less important than our land borders?  Please be a part of my “Bucket Brigade of Truth” and tell your fri