Usa Talk Radio

The Michael Cutler Hour



Happy Friday! Last week I wrote several articles and addressed the issue of “Sanctuary Cities” on my radio show as well as when I have been a guest on other radio and television programs.  The lunacy of Sanctuary Cities continues to be of major importance and on March 31st I was interviewed by Newsmax-TV’s Bill Tucker about this issue.  The link to the video of my interview was posted under the title, America Talks Live | Michael Cutler on the mayors who are embracing sanctuary status. On April 4, 2017 CAPS (Californians for Population Stabilization) posted my article, “Partners in Crime: Mayors of Sanctuary Cities, Human Traffickers and Other Criminals.”  The hypocrisy behind the very notion of “Sanctuary Cities” is beyond outrageous.  Their is nothing heroic about shielding or harboring aliens who have entered the United States illegally or who have subsequent to entering the United States through ports of entry violated their terms of admission.  Such illegal aliens pose a threat to national security, p