Usa Talk Radio

The Michael Cutler Hour



Happy Friday! For the past couple of weeks I have focused on the lunacy of “Sanctuary Cities” on my radio show and when I have been a guest on other radio and television programs.   On April 13, 2017 the website, The Glazov Gang posted a video in which I explained my fact-based opposition to Sanctuary Cities.  Here is the link to my video: MICHAEL CUTLER  MOMENT: LETHAL  SANCTUARY  CITIES. Another issue of great concern is the ongoing bogus claim that it is reasonable and appropriate to provide illegal aliens with lawful status, provided that they have no serious criminal histories.   Advocates for such a massive legalization program come from both political parties and include journalists and pundits who appear on many television programs, including conservative networks.  I addressed this dangerous notion in my April 10, 2017 article for FrontPage Magazine: “THE CASE AGAINST LEGALIZING UNKNOWN MILLIONS OF ILLEGAL ALIENS:  A supposed “solution” that would be catastrophic for America.” Please be a part