Usa Talk Radio

The Michael Cutler Hour



Happy Friday: Since my last show the Spring 2017 issue of The Social Contract was published.  This quarterly journal includes two of my latest articles: "Any 'Immigration Reform' Must Put Americans First - Political compromise must not jeopardize national security, public safety, or the well-being of Americans" "Immigration Fraud: Lies That Kill - 9/11 Commission identified immigration fraud as a key embedding tactic of terrorists" My 1st article addresses reform the immigration system needs to serve the interests of Americans and America- a notion missing from all legislative efforts proposed by politicians for decades to “reform” the immigration system.  For those politicians, the goal of "immigration reform" is to further the goals of corporations, special interest groups and immigration lawyers who see in America's borders and immigration laws impediments to their wealth. My 2nd article not only delves into the world of lies and deception employed by aliens who seek to game the system, but also into