Usa Talk Radio

The Michael Cutler Hour



Happy Friday: Once again the attacks on President Trump continue by his political foes and the media. While I usually focus on immigration I am compelled to address the claim that President Trump provided classified information to Russian officials.  The media has left out some truly important and relevant facts that I plan to talk about this evening before I move on to my latest article for FrontPage Magazine, FALSE CLAIMS TO US CITIZENSHIP: Far from a “victimless crime.” That article was published on May 15th and calls into question so many of the supposed facts concerning the magnitude of the illegal immigration crisis and has other serious implications as well that impact public safety, national security and assertions made by advocates for the creation of a massive amnesty program for the unknown millions of illegal aliens present in the United States. There is no shortage of analysts, demographers and statisticians to be found in government, “think-tanks” and elsewhere.  However, there is a world of