Usa Talk Radio

The Michael Cutler Hour



Happy Friday: You have to be living under a sound-proof rock to have missed the fact that former FBI Director Comey testified before Congress yesterday, June 7th- I will share some of my thoughts about this most unusual hearing. I have been invited to blog for Newsmax and on June 2nd they posted my first piece:   Manchester Terrorist Could Have Visited US Under Visa Waiver Program. Having raised the issue of the Visa Waiver Program, on June 7th FrontPage Magazine published my article: FAKE SECURITY IS MORE DANGEROUS THAN NO SECURITY- How the “Improved Visa Waiver Program” creates the perilous illusionof security.  The Visa Waiver Program should  have been terminated after the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 yet the number of countries that participate in this dangerous program have increased from 26 countries on that terrible day  more than 15 year ago to the 38 countries that now participate. Supposed “improvements” to the Visa Waiver Program, as you will see, are little more than blue smoke and