Usa Talk Radio

The Michael Cutler Hour



  Happy Friday: Immigration is again the key issue on so many fronts. We have some good news- the House has passed two bills that would enhance penalties for criminal illegal aliens who are deported and reenter the U.S. illegally and also defund Sanctuary Cities.  The Supreme Court has weighed in on the temporary entry restrictions concerning aliens from countries involved with terrorism. On June 28th I was on Newsmax-TV.  My segment was posted as:  Ex-INS Agent: Latinos Actually Want Tighter Immigration. FrontPage Magazine published my article:  AMERICA’S GANG CRISIS: CONGRESSIONAL HEARINGS FOCUS ON MS-13: As with international terrorists, transnational gangs exploit immigration failures. CAPS posted my article, ENLIST Act (HR 60) Poses a Threat to National Security and Public Safety  Please be a part of my “Bucket Brigade of Truth” and tell your friends and neighbors about my program- and mywebsite, remember Democracy is not a “Spectator Sport!” Have a happy Fourth of July!