Usa Talk Radio

The Michael Cutler Hour



Happy Friday: Today President Trump addressed law enforcement officers in Suffolk County, New York about his goals of eradicating MS-13 and other violent transnational gangs, telling the audience he “had their backs.”  I began investigating MS-13 nearly 25 years ago.  Incredibly after the President spoke one of the "mainstream media" televison programs interviewed two alleged members of MS-13 to get their perspectives about the President's efforts to enforce the Immigration laws.  They claimed that effective immigration law enforcement made it easier for them to recruit new members. Interviewing purported gang members to provide opposition to immigration law enforcement is as reasonable as interviewing Al Capone to ask his opinion of Elliot Ness and the "Untouchables!" On July 24th FrontPage Magazine published my article: COURTING DISASTER: SUPREME COURT DECIDES AGAINST HOMELAND SECURITY: Court guts presidential authority to prevent the entry of terrorists.  On July 28th FrontPage Magazine published my a