Usa Talk Radio

The Michael Cutler Hour



Happy Friday! Yesterday the San Diego Union-Tribune published an article, 'Dreamer' who claimed to be unlawfully deported to Mexico drops lawsuit against feds. There is a possible story within the story that will likely surprise you- but then, where the parallel universe of immigration, politics and the media are concerned, by now, absolutely nothing should surprise any of us! Last Sunday 60 Minutes aired a truly eye-opening and infuriating report, “Ex-DEA agent: Opioid crisis fueled by drug industry and Congress.”  I have written a couple of commentaries about the report that will soon be published by FrontPage Mag and CAPS.  You could say that as bad as the picture painted by 60 Minutes and the Washington Post which also participated in the investigation, as the saying goes, “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet!”  Finally, a couple of months ago, CBS News posted a report, “CBSN: On Assignment" investigates how foreign workers exploit a visa loophole for U.S. jobs.”  We will consider what this report really means