Usa Talk Radio

The Michael Cutler Hour



Happy Friday! Today we will focus on the drug trade and its nexus to immigration. President Trump has declared the heroin epidemic constitutes a national health crisis.  That crisis is a long time in the making. More than two years ago I wrote an article worth considering today, “Heroin Epidemic: The Real Metric for Determining Border Security.” On Oct. 23rd FrontPage Magazine published my article, “WHO DESERVES THE DRUG CARTELS' MVP AWARD?The growing list of those feeding the opioid crisis.”  My aritcle connects the dots between the addiction to prescription drugs caused by pharmaceutical companies, their lobbyists and corrupt politicians and the heroin epidemic- a nexus that has been ignored by the mainstream media. Yesterday, Oct. 26th the DOJ issued a press release.  Its title is self-explanatory, “Founder and Owner of Pharmaceutical Company Insys Arrested and Charged with Racketeering: Defendant and other executives allegedly bribed doctors and pharmacists to prescribe fentanyl spray meant for breakth