Usa Talk Radio

The Michael Cutler Hour



Happy Friday! Last week I focused quite a bit of attention on the terror attack in New York City by a citizen of Uzbekistan, Sayfullo Saipov. Today FrontPage Magazine published my article about that attack and the larger issue, the nexus between failures of the immigration system and national security. The title of my article is DIVERSITY VISA LOTTERY: A GAME OF “RUSSIAN ROULETTE”American sovereignty and security dismantled under the guise of “diversity.”  We will consider my article that the issues that the mainstream media refuses to discuss. Considering the dangers inherent in these multiple failures of the immigration system and the detrimental impact of immigration on jobs and wages of Americans, it is beyond absurd to believe that the immigration issue is only of concern for right-wing political extremists. As I have repeatedly noted, the immigration crisis is not about “Right” or “Left” but about right or wrong! Please be a part of my “Bucket Brigade of Truth” and tell your friends and neighbors