Usa Talk Radio

The Michael Cutler Hour



Happy Friday! Having taken a week off from my show to attend a reunion with a bunch of my former colleagues at the INS I am excited about joining this evening.  I hope you all had a very happy Thanksgiving! My focus for today's show will be the lunacy of “Sanctuary Cities” and “Sanctuary States.” On Nov. 20th FrontPage Magazine published my article, NEW YORK CITY: HUB FOR THE DEADLY DRUG TRADE: “Sanctuary” policies attract foreign drug traffickers, fugitives and terrorists. On Nov. 24th FrontPage Magazine published my article, SANCTUARY CITIES AND JUDICIAL MADNESS: Judge blocks Trump's effort to end sanctuary cities -- the day after a border patrol agent is bludgeoned to death. On Nov. 22nd Newsmax posted an article and link to the video of my appearance on Bill Tucker’s TV show with the title,Ex-INS Agent: 'Politicians are Illusionists,' They Want Illegal Immigrants in US.   The immigration crisis is not about “Right” or “Left” but about right or wrong! Please be a part of my “Bucket Brigade of Truth”