Usa Talk Radio

The Michael Cutler Hour



Happy Friday! Today I plan to discuss my December 1, 2017, FrontPage Magazine article: “DENATURALIZATION SOUGHT AGAINST 5 CHILD MOLESTERS: Naturalization has provided the “keys to the kingdom” to criminals and terrorists.”  However, we need to first consider that the jury in San Francisco found the murderer of Kate Steinle, an illegal alien from Mexico, Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, not guilty of murder and even not guilty of manslaughter.  He was only found guilty of being a felon who possessed a firearm.  Because of its “Sanctuary” policies, the City of San Francisco was an accomplice in this horrific crime.  Sanctuary cities are actually “Magnate Cities” that attract illegal aliens and the criminals, fugitives, terrorists among them.  These cities attract foreign workers who displace American workers and drive down wages for all workers similarly employed. It is reasonable and rational to demand our nation’s borders be secured and our immigration laws be enforced.  This commonsense position is “Pro-Enforcem