Usa Talk Radio

The Michael Cutler Hour



Happy Friday! Today my focus will be on my two most recent articles for FrontPage Magazine: IMMIGRATION SYSTEM MUST FINALLY PUT AMERICANS FIRST: Chain migration exemplifies wrong approach to immigration system.-  Dec. 19th TRUMP LINKS IMMIGRATION LAW ENFORCEMENT TO NATIONAL SECURITY: America’s borders are its first and last line of defense.-  Dec. 22nd On December 18th I was a guest on Fox & Friends First to discuss DACA. Contrary to the claim that the “Immigration system is broken” the immigration crisis was created by a succession of presidents, from both parties, who refused to effectively enforce our nation’s immigration laws. This is changing under the Trump administration.  All Americans must establish a New Years’s resolution to demand our nation’s borders be secured and our immigration laws be enforced.  This commonsense position is “Pro-Enforcement” and not “Anti-Immigrant.” Please be a part of my “Bucket Brigade of Truth” and tell your friends and neighbors about my program- and mywebsite