Usa Talk Radio

The Michael Cutler Hour



Happy Friday! Please make it your New Year’s resolution to celebrate the First Amendment by not being intimidated by bullies who, in the name of banning “hate speech” employ Orwellian tactics to shut down debate and discussion.  Of course, to be effective you must arm yourself with the facts.  I hope my articles can help to provide the facts on the multifaceted immigration crisis. Earlier today FrontPage Magazine published my latest article,  DACA: THE IMMIGRATION TROJAN HORSE: How the original DREAM act was designed to covered 90% of the illegal alien population in the US. With all of the rumors and speculation swirling around DACA and the possibility of President Trump, the Democrats and Republicans working out a “compromise” on immigration, on my show today I will focus DACE, the termination of TPS (Temporary Protected Status) for citizens of El Salvador and where America should go from here to protect national security and public safety and the future of our nation and our citizens. Please be a part