Usa Talk Radio

The Michael Cutler Hour



Happy Friday! Please make it your New Year’s resolution to celebrate the First Amendment by not being intimidated by bullies who, in the name of banning “hate speech” employ Orwellian tactics to shut down debate and discussion.  Of course, to be effective you must arm yourself with the facts.  I hope my articles can help to provide the facts on the multi-faceted immigration crisis. Immigration, particularly DACA continues to be the focus of attention.  This evening we will consider President Trump's plans for dealing with this politically thorny issue. On January 26, 2018, I was interviewed on Newsmax-TV by Bill Tucker. A video of my interview along with a news report was posted on the Newsmax website: Ex-INS Agent Michael Cutler Bashes Trump's Plan | On January 31, 2018 Newsmax published my article: Trump's Shaky 'Immigration Pillars' Will Compromise National Security. On February 2, 2018, FrontPage Magazine published my article: DACA SOLUTION MUST HEED 9/11 COMMISSION FINDINGS Please be a