Usa Talk Radio

The Michael Cutler Hour



Happy Friday! On April 19, 2018, FrontPage Magazine published my article:  JIHADIS AND DRUG CARTEL AT OUR BORDER: A nightmare on the horizon.  We will consider just how important border security is for national security and public safety. Many folks believe that the immigration issue is divided along political party lines with the Republicans favoring effective immigration law enforcement while the Democrats oppose immigration law enforcement.  In my view, this is not an accurate assessment of the immigration debate. On April 17th Breitbart reported:  ‘DREAMers Are Among Our Best and Brightest:’ Koch Brothers to Push Amnesty with Seven-Figure Ad Campaign.  Incredibly, that statement sounds like something that Nancy Pelosi said, not long ago. No one has ever accused the Koch brothers of being Democrats or “Liberals.”  I will provide my perspectives to the many false notions about immigration policies and goals. Please read my articles and, if you like them, post the links on FaceBook along with a link to