Usa Talk Radio

The Michael Cutler Hour



Happy Friday! This is no shortage of issues to discuss! On April 25, 2018, The New York Daily News reported, Gov. Cuomo says ICE is 'violating the law' after recent raids by federal agents.  This is hardly the first time that the governor of the state that suffered the greatest harm on 9/11 to act against the findings and recommendations of the 9/11 Commission.  On September 15, 2017 his website posted a press release:  Governor Cuomo Signs Executive Order Prohibiting State Agencies from Inquiring About Immigration Status. On April 24, 2018 the New York Times reported, U.S. Must Keep DACA and Accept New Applications, Federal Judge Rules. We will dig beneath the bluff and bluster and also consider the federal judge ruling that the President may not terminate DACA and must, in fact, continue to accept new applications from aliens who claim that they would have qualified under that illegal program. I will provide you with a bit of perspective based on institutional memory that is not being considered anywhe