Usa Talk Radio

The Michael Cutler Hour



  Happy Friday! This evening we will begin by considering my May 28th article for FrontPage Magazine: TRUMP'S CANDOR, ANIMALS AND MS-13: What the Left’s feigned anger about our president's honesty really reveals.  Nancy Pelosi in responding to statements by President Trump, has made it clear, She has taken sides and has, unbelievably she is far more concerned about the well-being of murderous gang members than she is of innocent children living in the United States. Her statements and those of Senator Chuck Schumer has revealed where they truly stand on immigration, crime and the ethnic immigrant communities and there is no going back! Please read my articles and, if you like them, post the links on FaceBook along with a link to my radio show.  Be a part of my “Bucket Brigade of Truth” and tell your friends and neighbors about my program- and mywebsite, remember Democracy is not a “Spectator Sport!”