Usa Talk Radio

The Michael Cutler Hour



Happy Friday! On July 31, 2018, FrontPage Magazine published my article:  NYC ENLISTS SHOP KEEPERS, NOT ICE, TO COMBAT TRANSNATIONAL GANGS- New lows in immigration lunacy.  Mayor de Blasio excoriates ICE agents for enforcing our immigration laws in incendiary language which could ultimately incite violence against valiant ICE agents who, in enforcing our immigration laws are protecting national security, public safety and Americans' jobs.  When a 15 year old boy was killed in NYC by a Dominican-based gang, de Blasio created the “Safe Haven Initiative” wherein unarmed shopkeepers are supposed to spring into action to shield children from armed murderous gangs. On August 3, 2018, FrontPage Magazine published my article: THE DACA SWORD OF DAMOCLES- A solution worse than the problem is hanging over America's head.  Congressman Steve Scalise, the Republican Whip, is once again, promising to “solve the DACA problem” apparently by creating a massive amnesty program.  DC has become the land of “Zombie legislation.”