Usa Talk Radio

The Michael Cutler Hour



Happy Friday! The partial government shutdown continues as the Democrats, “led” by Nancy and Chuck refuse to fund the border wall to secure the U.S./Mexican border against the in-inspected entry of aliens and cargo (contraband).  While there may be a temporary reprieve from the shutdown, the Democrats and the mainstream media refer to the border wall as "Trup's vanity project."  We will consider what is really at stake.   On January 21st FrontPage Magazine posted my article, JUDGES GONE ROGUE- Judge embraces “Lawfare” to obstruct immigration law enforcement.  Just when you thought you heard all, a federal judge just rendered an off the rails deicsion that will likely leave you enraged. On January 22nd I was a guest on Fox & Friends First to discuss the government shutdown and offers made by President Trump.  Of particular concern was the offer to extend protection for DACA recipients for 3 years as part of a compromise. Here is how Fox News posted my segment on the show: "Trump compromise offers 3-ye