Usa Talk Radio

The Michael Cutler Hour



Happy Friday! The issue of the border wall has consumed most of the discussions about immigration.  However, ever since I have gone public about the immigration crisis I have have made it clear that the enforcement of our immigration laws from within the interior of the United States is essential to ending the immigration crisis. On March 5th FrontPage Magazine published my article, ICE – AS VITALLY IMPORTANT AS A BORDER WALL: Why Interior Immigration Enforcement is a crucial element of immigration law enforcement. This issue is so important that it be my focus this evening. Sanctuary Cities metastasize around the United States. New York’s Andy Cuomo has called ICE agents and “thugs” and Alexandria Oasio-Cortez has called for the dismantling of ICE altogether. she yelped with joy when Amazon pulled out of the deal with NYC calling the deal “Corporate welfare” but ignores a far more widespread and pernicious form of corporate welfare the dispalcement of Americans by foreign workers. I addressed this in my