Walking Dharma

Episode 23: Embracing the Unknown



This week's podcast focuses on embracing the unknown by becoming deeply present with simply being as we are in every moment. "Sweet hearted one, meditate on knowing and not knowing, existing and not existing. Then leave both aside that you may be." - Vigyan Bhairav Tantra via The Book of Secrets by OSHO When we let go of control and surrender to not needing to know all of the answers we become free of all worry, free of all burdens, and deeply peaceful within ourselves. This episode uses real life experiences to teach the art of how to embrace whatever scenario life brings us and sit with the Great Mystery of existence whether we have control or not, it invites us to understand that no matter what, everything always works out. The outro music at the end of the podcast is called 'Call On' and is orginal music produced by DJ Karishtan. It is available for download via iTunes and Spotify.