Kenneth Choo | Mother Industrialist On-the-go

Kong Choon Yen: Birth Stories In Singapore



In this episode, I chat with Kong Choon Yen who is a Certified HypnoBirthing Childbirth Educator affiliated with the HypnoBirthing® Institute and we talked about "Birth Stories in Singapore" Yen teaches natural childbirth education enhanced by self-hypnosis techniques call HypnoBirthing-The Mongan Method to expectant mothers who want a calm and a healthy birth experience without succumb to drugs whenever possible, and to the husbands who want to make a vital contribution in welcoming their baby into their world in a safe, easier and healthier birth together as a family. Yen also supports couples during the birthing process as a Certified Birth Doula to inspire couples to take charge of their birth and make the birthing experience a positive and satisfying one. She is also a Certified Infant Massage Instructor who provides tools and techniques to parents who want to help their baby to adjust to the new environment in a smooth and easy way. So blessed to have connected with her and have her on my LIVE Show.