Kill The Bass

Ep. 8: Zachary Moses Ostroff: Put Passion Into the Music



In 2019, Zak Moses Ostroff has been leading development of the world’s first 3D-printed, compostable, recyclable surfboard, while composing and performing scores for forthcoming films like The Hunt. He premiered Vote For Home the first web video series to feature well-known musical artists discussing the current impact of climate change on hometowns in the United States, while helping register viewers to vote in the upcoming 2016 US election. Ostroff performed for President Obama and the UN in New York City during COP20 and made his debut performance as a leader at the Kennedy Center in Washington DC. He was also featured in the HBO Series Masterclass performing with Joshua Bell in New York and London. He has a B.S. in Earth Systems from Stanford University with the aim of carving a path towards mitigating climate change through artistic pathways.