Promedia Podcast

Promedia Podcast Episode 008



Hi there and welcome to episode 8 of the Promedia Podcast; as usual I’ve included another 3 songs for your listening pleasure. If you would like to use any of the songs featured on my Podcasts please let me know don’t forget you can drop me an email and I can provide you with a higher quality version if required Track 1 is called ‘Threshold’ and was originally created to be used as a blanket track on level one of a space shooter video game (can’t for the life of me remember the name); I’m sure if it was ever used in it’s original form, however the version on the Podcast had to be recreated using the original audio file. Track 2 is called ‘Música genérica’ and was inspired by all the lain songs that were made very popular by artists such as Shakira and Enrique; to be honest I couldn’t think of a better name (Babel fish translation of ‘Generic music’). Track 3 is called ‘Eye in the sky’ and was created as a blanket track for VIP on Air’s traffic / travel reports, as mentioned prev